Litter Lights – who are they for?

For people who want to improve their homes with a special object with individual, unusual decoration.
Or want to put a new lampshade on an old standard lamp. (As an alternative, you can have the old lampshade redecorated at Litter Lights, or simply order a new one.)
For new cafés, shops and hotels with a retro or avantgarde look who need lighting to go with it. Litter Lights will be glad to discuss an overall lighting scheme.
For tired rooms - does your restaurant/guest room/reception area/waiting room need a decorative makeover? With Litter Lights, your premises will blossom into new life. The shapes and colours of Litter Lights will be individually tailored to the use of the room.
For manufacturers who sell their wares in plastic bottles, cups and cans and would like to present their products in a different way for a change. For example, as Litter Light objects, made from reused parts of their original packaging.
Recycle art/design
by Barbara Predin